Craftsmanship That Stands the Test of Time
Family-Owned Business Offering Exceptional Building and Remodelling Services
in the Greater St. Louis Area
Craftsmanship That
Stands the Test of Time
Family-Owned Business Offering Exceptional Building and
Remodelling Services in the Greater St. Louis Area
Terbrock Remodeling & Construction
Since 1955, the Terbrock family has provided exceptional custom homes and remodeling services to the greater St. Louis area. Multiple generations of experience and our dedication to excellence are what sets us apart. Our owner, Tom Terbrock, carries a rich St. Louis heritage and a love for building into our communities as the foundation for our services.
We guarantee our remodeling and construction services at a budget-friendly price to create the home of your dreams. Whether it’s kitchens, bathrooms, decks, patios, custom homes, or outdoor living spaces, our Terbrock team takes the time to deliver customer-first care with standard-setting excellence.
We take pride in our work and the opportunity to do the job right the first time. Visit Our Work gallery to see some of the ways we’ve helped St. Louis improve their homes. Our commitment to you is a St. Louis name you can trust with a lifetime of experience.
Terbrock Remodeling & Construction: Quality remodeling at a budget-friendly price.